Out of Town Homework

If you have to miss school  here is what you can do.

1. Always have your good book with you and read each night.

2. Keep up with whatever class homework is and online assignments the best you can.

3. Keep a journal of your trip to share with us when you get back. You can use an online presentation software, to present your trip. You can make a blog post, remember you can post pictures too! There are lots of writing links to help you write a letter or story to your class about your trip. You can make a Power Point/Google Slide of your trip, or you can hand write your journal or make a poster of your trip. Be creative and include lots of pictures so we can see what you did. You can even make a map of where you visited, click here for some ideas how!! Turn it in electronically to my email address or hard copy when you get back.

4. When you get back, make sure to ask me if there is any other work that you need to make up.

5. Have a fun safe trip! If you are missing school because you are sick, if it's just for a few days and you are not feeling well, I can help you get caught up when you get back.