Nightly Homework

Read and Log

Every night--- read for at least 20 minutes  A big goal this year is to stick to a book. So each night, you should be reading the same book until it is finished. More information is in your blue "Outside Reading" folder.

Spelling City

Pretty self explanatory, Just make sure you are not just clicking around, and that you are studying your words! Your assignment will not be marked as completed unless you click submit when you are done.


Math homework is usually from our Saxon Math Book. Use Ten Marks, and/or Scootpad for areas where you need extra practice. Also, our Favorites Page have help in ANY area you need!

If you cannot complete homework on the internet:


Make sure you write a heading on all pages that you turn in, and underline ALL spelling or vocab words.

Spelling---Scroll down to spelling on this page. Use the spelling menu that corresponds to the 9 weeks. For example, if we are in the 1st 9 weeks, they you will use "spelling menu 1". 2nd 9 weeks would be "spelling menu 2", etc. 

Vocab---I will give you a packet in class to complete for vocabulary.

If you have gotten your GOLD award in reading:

 Start using Reading Rewards if it is ok with your parents. It is like a social website for readers!!

When a book is completed  you can just comment "I finished". But then make sure  to click FINISHED book and a "write a review" window will pop up. Click on how many stars you give your book and write your review. If you made good comments, picked a "just right book", and enjoyed your book, the review should be easy. Your review should be 3-5 paragraphs.